Students are expected to attend classes regularly. It is difficult on teachers and classmates when students are absent from class. If a student is going to miss a class please call the office 360-734-1595 or email reception@thedancestudio.net, so we can let their teacher know and you can schedule a make-up class. Students are required to attend classes to be in TDS productions.
Tuition is due the first class of each month. A $10 late fee is applied on the 10th of the month. There will be no refunds for missed classes. Please make up any missed class in another class of similar age and ability. A $15 per student, per year, non refundable registration fee is required to register for any class. A $25 fee is charged for all NSF and closed account checks.
Minimum Enrollment/Age Requirements
Classes not meeting minimum enrollment of six students will be canceled. Students will be moved to other existing classes or tuition will be refunded. Dancers should register in the appropriate class to match their grade level. Pre K dancers must be at least 3 years old and be potty trained.
Snow / Inclement Weather
Classes may be canceled due to snow or icy conditions. These classes may be made up at your convenience. If you are not sure whether a class will be held, please check our Facebook page, Instagram or call the Studio (360-734-1595).
Our priority is always the safety of our dancers and teachers, and this includes health!
Do not send your dancer to class if they have:
- A cold less than 3 days old
- A runny nose green in color, not clear
- Red throat, swollen glands
- Fever over 99.9 (must have no fever for 24 hours before returning)
- Cough, sore throat, pink eye, eye discharge
- Diarrhea and/or vomiting (must have no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours before returning)
Bathroom Use
Please have your child use the bathroom before class. Leaving disrupts the class, starts a snowball effect and your child may miss out on valuable warm-ups or combinations. Please discuss this with your child.
Food / Drinks
PLEASE bring water bottles into class! Gum, food or non-water drinks are not permitted inside the dance studios. We strive to keep our floors clean. Snacks and drinks can be eaten in the dressing rooms and Studio lobby, but please pick up after yourselves to keep the Studio welcome for everyone!
Parents may observe the last class of each month until January in studios A, B and D. Studios “A,” “B,” and “D” have observation windows that will be open and studio “C” does not have observation time. Some students would prefer their parents not watch. Please discuss this with your child and respect their wishes.
All students (except adults) must wear dance attire. Appropriate dance shoes must be worn for the protection of the students.
Tiny tots (Pre K-1st) should wear a leotard and tights (any color) and can put whatever their heart desires on top-tutus, princess dresses, booty shorts, etc. They need ballet and tap shoes (no ties please) for combo classes.
Tweens, teens and the in betweens (2nd grade and up) must wear leotards and tights (any color) and can wear shorts, wrap skirts, jazz pants, leggings, etc over the top. Please do not wear baggy clothing because it is difficult for teachers to evaluate movement and difficult for the dancer to perform.
Hip hop dancers and adults, please wear athletic wear and proper shoes for your style. No outside shoes can be worn on the dance floors.
Shorts and dresses without leotards underneath, jeans, and bare feet are not allowed in class. Students who come inappropriately dressed may be asked to sit and watch their class. Please ask each teacher what is appropriate to wear in their class if you have questions and be respectful. Thanks!
All hair must be pulled off the dancers face: bun (required for ballet and technique classes), ponytail, braids,or pigtails. Headbands work wonders for short hair!
Dance shoes must be worn in the dance studios, but in the same sense must not be worn outside! This is to keep the studios clean and dancers healthy. Tappers need tap shoes (velcro only for tiny tots), ballet students can wear leather or canvas ballet shoes, jazzers can wear slip-on or tie jazz shoes (we mostly wear black), hip hoppers can wear jazz shoes and jazz sneakers (never worn outside), and lyrical lovelies can wear half-ballet shoes (canvas or leather). With the new dance floors any dirt or pebbles brought in from outside will gouge the floors. Please clean bottom of shoes weekly and please be sure to put your child’s name inside all shoes.
Costumes are ordered in December for our June production. All tuition from September through December and costume payments must be paid in full before costumes are ordered. All costumes are Non-Refundable once ordered. Parents, who request, overnight or 2nd day shipments will pay the additional costs. All costumes are made to order, not made to exact measurements. Costumes will not be tried on, nor sent home, until all payments owed to Studio are current, including tuition and/or any outstanding fees. Students are expected to participate in the year end production. If for any reason your child will not be in the June show, please let us know right away.
Dancing Throughout World
The Dance Studio may offer students an opportunity to take workshops away from our lovely walls during the year. Some classes participate in competition. Workshop, hotel and competition costs are paid for by the students. We have also been fortunate to dance abroad and perform in many countries. When these opportunities arise we expect all students to conduct themselves as ambassadors of The Dance Studio, fundraise their way and respect the cultures of the countries we visit.
Policy Questions
Policy is set by The Dance Studio management and we think it’s fantastic! If you would like to discuss it with any of us further, please feel free to start with Miss Kim (delightful office manager), or if you can catch her between classes, costumes and hugs, Miss Britt (owner).
Holidays and Breaks 2024-2025
- May 25th-27th Memorial Weekend-Studio Closed
- June 15th Last day of classes
- June 21st-23rd Legends-Year End Production at Mount Baker Theatre
- July 15-18 Summer Camps
- July 22-25 Summer Camps
- September 3rd First day of classes
- October 25th-31st Halloween Week-wear your costumes, join us in studio for a mini performance and trick-or-treating
- November 26th-30th Thanksgiving Break-Studio Closed
- December 13th and 14th Saving ChristmasTown at the Mount Baker Theatre
- December 16th-21st Cookie Week, decorate grahams in class and perform Christmas Dances
- December 23rd-January 4th Christmas Break-Studio Closed
- February TBD Winter Showcase at Mount Baker Theatre
- April 7th-12th Spring Break-Studio Closed
- May 24th-26th Memorial Weekend-Studio Closed
- June 14th Last Day of Classes
- June 20th-22nd End of Year Production at Mount Baker Theatre